My Dad Is Dying 3/20/2024

It’s 1:35 am here. 3:35 where my dad lives. Under normal circumstances, we talk at least 3hrs a couple times a month. Now we talk every other day, ignoring each other’s calls when we don’t have the energy. On top of that, we’re talking 4 or 5hrs a couple times a week. We know he is dying and these are our final moments, though we’ve never said anything directly.

(By the way, he’s on the phone now, cleaning out his kitchen.) This is a note to myself to talk about this deep cleaning. I have Adhd and my thoughts are all over the place. We’re in silence now. He’s literally vacumming out his cabinets. Another day, he was washing down his base boards.

(Ive lost the other thought I was in the middle of when I started making the previous note. So, I’m going to just go with this. I’m crying. My dad has placed his phone down so he can vacuum. He could turn on mute, or just go and we could talk tomorrow. But, he’s not promised tomorrow. Soooo, I’m typing this to the hum of him vacuuming, his tv and music.

This is so upsetting, I’m literally balling. I get some tissue to wipe my face and instinctively blow my nose.

“Huh? What you say?” The vacuuming stops. I can feel him listening. I can’t believe his phone is loud enough for him to hear me over vacuuming. Or that his ears are that good. Cause I grew up with bass in headphones, that literally thumped on your head if you turned it up to the loudest. I sometimes can’t hear him in regular atmosphere with headphones on…

“I didn’t say nothing.” I promise. Lying. I’m Jada, Set It Off crying. He’s Cleo, taking a smoke before facing a fire squad.

I’m getting off the phone. 1hr of just being quiet. Me muting crying. Already missing him.

Animated Tarzan Movie

Years ago, I fell in love with the animated Tarzan series. I feel like someone in my family watched the old version. This 2013? Tarzan is so implausible. He over powered a silver back gorilla. Jane fell in love? Class says never. I laughed way too hard at the wrong things. It was entertaining.

Animated Tarzan Movie

The New Robber Baron

So, I was looking for something online and couldn’t find it. I found it in small amounts and not what I wanted specifically. So I created it. Now I’ve got a book of information, accidentally. I’m sure if I’m looking for this, someone else wants it. In fact, I know at least 400 people who are not my friends who want to know. The flip side is, what are they willing to pay for it?

Anyhow, I write so I put a book together. It’s instructions on creating certain crafts, so it has tons of pictures and examples. It was painful putting the book together. I have bought similar books targeted at another audience and adjusted for my needs.

Forgive me. Yes, I’m being intentionally vague. We’re all capitalists, you know. And if this works, it could fund my whole hobby. LOL!! Because I’ve been working just to collect. Lordt. I tell way too much of my business on this blog.

Anyway, the first book I made the binding was in the wrong direction. It was my dream direction if I was going to get these. Which I didn’t find out until I was trying to upload it on Amazon. I was so bummed, I actually took a couple days off.

I decided to order something similar to what I was making because I’d already used up the books I had. Again, they aren’t really for this purpose, but I know other people who use these in place of the thing I’m creating. Guess what, the book was a quarter of the size of the books I buy in person and the only one I could find online. This product inspired and motivated me to get back to creating. It affirmed I was on the right path.

So I formatted a new book. It took several late nights. It wasn’t as hard or time-consuming as the first time because I had already written all the directions. I just had to reconfigure the entire book and organize the pages so they were pleasing to the eye in the new parameters. I mean, I also needed to learn a new program. Then I had to switch between three programs and some online converters.

Then I find out that the paper quality I needed wasn’t available for some of the cut out pages. I research other publishers but there is too much upfront money. I mean, I’d have to buy several of the books, keep inventory and physically mail orders. With my address on them…or get a P.O. Box. I want to just create information and let it sell itself. I don’t want to be checking my inbox for orders and going to the post office. I’m an introvert. A good day when I can stay home. More importantly, I like to take breaks from the internet for extended periods of times. I’d hate to have someone waiting on their order for weeks, while I live.

So Amazon, the new Robber Baron, it is. First off, I was so excited when I could finally upload the book to KDP. I kept getting pushback about pictures and captions being outside the printing margins. I adjusted the bleed and it was still annoying af.

This morning when everything went through and I was able to preview the book, I couldn’t contain myself. I wanted to scream in victory. But it’s 3am. I’m just assuming my family wouldn’t be psyched to join me in celebrating. Soooo, I waited for my preview. It looks ok. It’s better than what’s available. If this goes well, I’ll invest in a different publisher because Amazon’s cut is rape.

Dude, they say that I’m getting 60%. Which is pretty high, when you consider traditional publishers pay you only 15% of the cover price and you have to split that with your agent. Not to mention, all the money you put out for your own editors to get your story up to snuff… Cause all first drafts suck.

The book costs 8.44 to print. Amazon requires me to sell the book for at least 21.00. I charge $25, though I wanted to be around 20. Somehow, 60% is 6.56? HOW THE FUCK? The math isn’t mathing. I’m going back and forth on the price. Because I’d like to make a flat $10 on each book. I was thinking that Amazon would take $2 on top of $8.44. Then I considered they may be offering free shipping. So I included another $2.

Similar books in the art store go for about $30. However, I have to see the quality of this paper and how well the visuals show up before I can charge that kind of money. We’re talking top-of-the-line products versus what I’m doing at home.

At the end of the day, I’m really upset about this Amazon cut. Jeff Bezoz made 7.9 million an hour in 2023. I’m just trying to make $10 a book. Ok. Rant over. If I have the energy and time I’ll come back and update you guys on how it went and I may even put a link to the book.

I have two other book projects going simultaneously. And I’m reading more… actually less if I’m being honest. I had read three books by 12/13 last month. I’ve been reading the same book this whole month. Anyway, I hope you are all well and chasing your dreams. Love and Light

PS: Iain editing.

I love my grandma’s vernacular, so I dip my toes in that sometimes. Peace

Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love and So Much More

Recently I finished Janet Mock’s memoir. I mostly read nonfiction. This was the most poetic nonfiction I’ve read, ever. For some reason, I found this to be a hard read, even though the author is very open. Mock writes about her childhood and journey to being true to herself with beautiful language.

There were a lot of references she made to her childhood I could definitely relate to.

Reading her book reminded me of a lot of things I loved about growing up in the eighties. I appreciated her honesty. Her choice to share so much of her life is brave and bold and I respect her deeply for inviting readers into her life.

Mock signifies on Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God a few times throughout the text and with good reason. Redefining Realness is a rare autobiography in that it reads less like a memoir and more like a conversation with a homegirl. As I was reading I kept on thinking about the relationship between Pheobe and Janie in Their Eyes. I think Janet’s conversational tone and accessibility that made me feel like I was on my couch with a friend sharing secrets rather than reading a carefully constructed narrative. That, I think, is a gift and one that makes this book imminently readable.janet-mock-book-cover

I watched 1986 “She’s Gotta Have It”

I was trying to find an online streaming service that offered the original movie, from 1986. A group of poly folks were agreeing the 1986 version was one of their favorite movies.
I like that it was shot in black and white. The original Nola is gorgeous. For some reason, I thought natural hair ended with the 70’s. Growing up in the eighties, all the love interests in black movies or on television, especially BET, were multiracial or not black. They had long straight hair. Curls were a big thing. So it was interesting to see a black woman as the love interest.

Nola Darling from the original 1986 “She’s Gotta Have It.”

For starters, there is a lot of sex. Knowing what I know about porn, especially from different eras… the original was basically porn in the 80’s. I think sex is good to show if it actually tells you something about the characters or changes their chemistry and the plot. Two people laughing and fumbling who are usually smooth finding their groove. Realizing the way they’d been pouncing on people who were so usually enthralled with them doesn’t fulfill them. They like feeling something, being enthralled and they like butterflies. Or, someone really shy turning out to be a self-actualized, sex loving and active partner. Turning the guy off, making him feel inadequate especially since he’d been projecting some virgin identity on what he believed was a blank canvas. Then the sex is funny, she’s pushing him down, ripping at his clothes and he’s feeling taking advantage. Still he goes through with it because she’s what he wanted, maybe?… And then there is the morning after, when two people wake up different less masked and not different but more of who they really are. All of their fears apparent. But showing everything between people who we know are having sex, have had sex… We are already meeting them many mornings later. So it doesn’t change the plot or make it better. Sex that doesn’t alter the plot is just porn with characters we have more background on. Instead of the guy being a plumber or pizza delivery man, he’s Mars and she’s Nola the artist.

The new Nola Darling definitely has potential. There is a series with a whole cast of characters. It appears she is sleeping with a friend’s boyfriend. I hope here she will be more self-actualized. I’ve found the people who are polyamorous are very clear about who they are and what they want. I can’t speak for all poly people, no one can speak for or about an entire group. So her going to counseling would be about her own healing and growth.

Also, there is a lot of sex. As a queer person, I don’t like when anything focuses on my sex life too much. Yes, when you are and adult you have needs and you meet them. Relationships are deeper than sex. Being poly isn’t just about sex. In fact, it isn’t about sex at all. When I was watching the original, one character accused Nola of not being able to commit. Just because someone isn’t monogamous doesn’t mean they aren’t committed. It depends on the person. Nola right now, just seems like a black woman dating and she hasn’t found someone she’d like to settle down with. I don’t even know that I would call her poly at this point.

White women have been known to date many men before they decide to get married. They are open about seeing other people, as far as I can remember as I was coming up. Black girls who became black women, usually dated one guy. If a guy asked them out they weren’t interested in they didn’t go. White women might go to a few concerts, go out dancing. Sometimes they’d realize they loved the guy they were least likely to choose. While black women all had their standards. Nola seems to be just dating.

Also, the original made it seem like Nola didn’t have any standards. Yes, she didn’t respond to the cat calling, but no self-respecting woman would. I’m saying she seemed to deal with any man who spoke to her the right way. Which is her prerogative, but this doesn’t make her polyamorous, it just makes her single. Polyamorous people have specific needs as well and everyone can’t fill them. Jaime for instance, wouldn’t be a good person to date if he’s going to throw tantrums. Some jealousy is natural and normal. However, a person wouldn’t put themselves in a situation where they were a constant disappointment. It would be a drag to always be explaining one’s self. Or being told something is wrong with you. Then again, maybe it’s the times. I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts.

The 1986 Thanksgiving scene hinted Nola wanting to be in a relationship with all of them. Still she relied on Jamie most. Why is he married in the new version? It undermines who his original character is, completely. It also undermines their relationship. What even made Nola think about settling down, because as I’ve said she was just dating, is when Jaime threatened to start seeing another woman. He even said he wasn’t the kind of person who could spread himself between two people. The first Jamie wouldn’t be at Nola’s house married. So many thoughts. Just sharing and processing.

9/15/2020 AM Journal

I woke up and began reading a book I’d ordered online. I think I may need to go back to paper. I use to have Nook until someone gave me a Kindle for my birthday. The Kindle could be a great tool and opportunity to have all your books in one space if it were not for all of its distractions.

When I first open my Kindle, it had tons of ads. I’m easily distracted and impulsive. Not to mention, they are pitching to me with all of my search history and buying behaviors. I love books, I would buy all the books if I could afford it. So it’s not stretch of the imagination when I tell you sometimes I go to read and end up looking for more books to not read.

Knowing that I’m impulsive and easily distracted I try to remove the ads. Kindle insults the person who gave me the Kindle by informing me it was bought at some discount, so I’ll need to pay an additional $15 to remove the ads. I do. That’s been years ago, the ads are back, I can’t remember if they ever left honestly. Maybe it’s something I need to investigate, if I don’t get distracted.

I said all this to say, I keep trying to read and I’d been beating myself up because I used to read often. Now I’m binge-watching Sherlock Holmes. I’m also looking for other shows to binge watch because I’m in the 5th season of Sherlock Holmes. I need something to escape in when it is over. I should probably research if the show was cancelled or if there will be other episodes. If I don’t get distracted.

I love a good rabbit hole. One of my friends nicknamed me the Queen of Non Sequitur. I’m going to name a collection of poetry this. I know tons of random facts I don’t know how I know, but when researched are true. The way my brain works, I can make all kinds of weird analogies. Another friend says this ability to break things down by analogy would make me a great preacher. Yeah, Jesus did that with his parables and you see what that got him, I digress. Also, I love digressing.

Anyhow, I started reading at 4am or so. It’s about 6:30 am or so. I’ve finished an entire book. This is the old me I remember. The me who read ferociously. I liked reading so much I read a book on speed reading, so I could read more… And then one day I just stopped reading. I’ve stopped writing and reading, except for the occasional poem.

I wouldn’t say I have writer’s block. You actually have to attempt to write to get blocked. I like had no interest in writing any more. After promising readers a second book. After releasing and withdrawing a book on religion, or my experience with religion. I’m back on that, the book about religion. I’m also working on my first comic with a beautiful friend.

When I was younger I wanted to write a comic. I put together an entire world with characters. A friend of mine edited comics and wrote for a black comic in Atlanta. For days I was into it and then one day I didn’t care. I’m weird like that… I have a lot of huge ideas but no drive to complete things and that’s my biggest failure.

I’m full of ideas. I’m also full of shit. I’d like to have less shit in my life which brings me back to my original promise to talk about my mental health.

I think they got my meds right. Mental health in America is so challenging. One, there are only like 10 psychiatrists for the whole population. Eight of them, no, seven of them are capitalist. One of them hasn’t realized they could make so much more if they stop taking insurance. One of them is too lazy to get into the billing, they just one to come to work and let someone else worry about that. They don’t want the responsibility of their own business.

The last one, well, they actually became a psychiatrist to figure out their own mental health issues… Some of the capitalist did this too, but they don’t care why you’re crazy. The tenth one is altruistic. They don’t need all the money. They’re ok making $500,000 a year.

At the end of the day, none of this matters because they are all booked and you’re playing Russian Roulette with mental health diagnoses and literal mind altering drugs. If you lack self awareness, are incapable of communicating, don’t do your own research and don’t have any mental health goals things are about to get bad fast.

On top of all this, depending on where you are in the country, how are you going to pay for this? What’s also important to mention, and I didn’t even know this until I actually worked in mental health, you should be getting labs every three months when you start mental health medicines. There are tons of side effects, weight gain, nightmares, hallucinations, diabetes, insomnia, exhaustion, suicidal ideation, suicide and heart disease. Not to mention, taking a lot of meds do a number on your kidneys so stay hydrated.

I’ve been on and off meds since maybe my late twenties. So that means it’s taken about 16 years to get medication that actually works. I was trying to explain to a friend why I stopped taking my meds so often once I was clear something wasn’t right.

There are a lot of barriers for getting your meds… The main one being your mental health. I am still not sure what day it is and these meds are actually working. I am still losing track of time. I’m writing a lot in these 15 mins though and I’m excited about that. I’m thinking clear right now.

Let me also mention. One of my greatest fears was that I’d get on meds and become someone else. Like, I’m super creative and I love the way my mind works… most times. I like that I can usually see the silver lining. I like that I’m slow to respond… and process. I like that I’m always thinking about people in layers. Like a first impression isn’t really true for me. I actually don’t know who people are no matter how they act the first time. If they are generally rude I stay away but I observe them curiously from that distance.

I know everyone has a story. I know, most people are not horrible to the core. Some of my favorite people are meanies, who turn out to be sweeties. I literally love people. I love to make them laugh. I love to hear about their lives. It’s like no matter where you come from people have all struggled with something. Some of the happiest people I know have been through so much. Which reminds me to prioritize joy and focus on the things that make me happy.

Anyway, where did I go before I digressed. I was explaining the barriers to taking meds being mental health. There are no social workers for adults unless you attempt to or kill someone, or survive killing yourself. People who ask for help aren’t a priority. So the way our society is set up in America, we just put out fires… We ignore people trying to give us their matches. Sometimes, we ignore there is an issue and pour gasoline on their dreams so they have nothing to lose.

I never knew I had mental health issues. I wasn’t comparing myself to other people. I knew that I was extremely lonely because my parents worked and the rest of my family was thousands of miles away. I was pretty responsible even though I didn’t want to be alive. I went to school without being told, I did homework without being told. I understood it would be bad if I didn’t graduate high school and I was bored at home, so I asked to go to summer school two years in a row so I wouldn’t have to take math during the year.

I was quiet in some classes. I wanted to fit in with cooler kids. I loved to make jokes and laugh. I use to imagine I was somewhere else, someone one else with a family where we hung out and did things together. I never wanted to be an athlete. This really bothered my mom. I didn’t like doing anything that required me to stand up in front of people.

I liked taking the late bus with all the kids who were in clubs, detention or who played sports. I loved the library. I liked being on the campus when it was almost empty, planning. I joined clubs. I’ve always had a lot of ideas. I’ve always thought I could make the world a better place. I still believe I can and maybe I’ve figured out how. That’s a different story for a different day.

A couple of years ago now, I checked myself into a hospital. My life was spiraling out of control. I was doing everything I could to hold on. I’ve never been able to keep a job. Between not knowing what day it is, struggling to get started, being easily distracted and losing track of time my attendance was terrible.

At the same time, I’m a workaholic. I excel at jobs where I’m given autonomy and specific responsibilities. I am meticulous in my organization. I’m early on deadlines. I’m passionate about my work and I’m always open to help others. I recently realized not to get jobs where I need to clock in. I need a job where I have a general expectation of which I should be there. For instance, if everyone should be in by 8:30 am, because I’m easily distracted I’ll probably be there around 6:30 am. I need to get situated, go over my tasks for the day, track my own progress.

Over the years, I’ve learned my shortcomings and make a lot of allowances for myself. One of the things I know, I’m easily distracted. If possible, I like to work with headphones on. Most times there isn’t any music on, just the feeling of something blocking the sounds around me helps to keep me focused. I’ve learned to set boundaries and ask for deadlines.

Most importantly, I’ve learned to ask what is the priority. I prioritize based on what is the most difficult. I like to start that project first and work on it early in the morning. Then put easier tasks toward the end of my day when there are more people in the office and more interruptions. With my last manager, I learned to keep a list of tasks.

I’ve always had a horrible memory. In fact, my memory is so bad I sometimes forget what I’m saying mid-sentence. And I’m like, how did I get here, what is the question again… If I’m interrupted, I don’t even remember my train of thought. I tell myself, if it’s important I will remember and this is true, sometimes.

After I started therapy in my twenties, I learned I had to allow the other person to talk. ADD IN THE HOUSE!!! I mean I didn’t realize I was cutting folks off. I also learned how to listen attentively, which means being present and not thinking about what you are going to say next. So when it’s your turn to talk you don’t have anything to say… And this makes people think you are listening too… I’m literally reading a book on validating people’s feelings, so I can teach myself this habit.

I’m always trying to improve and be a better person. I want to be my most authentic self, which is a foreign concept for Black Americans. Due to racism, we are required to wear masks. Culturally, we communicate and behave different. So you have to learn white standards and follow them even when white people do not. Me, I’m setting my own standards that are rooted in me being the best version of myself. So I’m embracing my grandmother’s dialect and remixing it with the King’s English.

So when I was diagnosed as Bipolar 2, I accepted it. I researched it. I took my meds… Until I had a bit of a break down and drove into oncoming traffic and then up a ramp to get off the freeway. At that point, I didn’t want to kill myself but all of a sudden it felt like everyone I ever loved had passed. Like I had an awesome job, a great place to live, I’d lost more weight than I ever imagined, my spirit was good, I was dating, I was the slimmest I’d ever been in my life and I wanted to die.

I drove to a restaurant after I exited the freeway the wrong way with people cursing at me and endangering everyone’s lives… I locked myself in the bathroom and cried for hours. I was afraid to go home. I was afraid of what I might do to myself. When I finally came out of the bathroom stall, my eyes and skin were beet red. I was exhausted. I was anxious about walking out of the restroom I’d been in for I don’t know how long. My face was wet from crying. My head was hurting and I was embarassed to call anyone. I didn’t even know what was wrong.

I’d started a business, on top of working full time, I had money in the bank, my apartment was beautiful and I actually liked the way I looked for the first time in life. Then, I didn’t know a side effect of the meds I was on was suicide.

I cleaned my face, went home and went to sleep. I was so out of it, I left my lunch bag and purse in the car, in plain view. I just wanted to make it upstairs. I took a long shower before passing out. The next morning, I got up like clockwork. Made breakfast and realized I didn’t have my meds, I’d left them in the car. I didn’t feel like going to the car and getting them. I told myself I’d take them when I got to work. I didn’t. They sat in the hot car all day.

Meanwhile, I was off focus. I took something for my moods and another something to deal with my ADD. Internally, I don’t notice that I’m different. People ask me if I’m ok. I’m super quiet and daydreaming. I’m thinking about how horrible I felt yesterday emotionally. Between calling clients I call my psychiatrist’s office. He only works three days a week. If it isn’t an emergency they’ll set me an appointment standby next week. Can I get there?

I love routines. I have a strict one. Monday through Friday, and I don’t work a traditional week, my Monday is maybe Tuesday. I work every Saturday, but I don’t care, I don’t have children or a partner. Plus, Saturday’s are chill and slow. There are only a few of us there and no supervisors. Then, I use to fantacise about every work daying being like Saturdays.

Back to my routine. Every morning I get up at the same time. I have a good large no carb breakfast. I take all my meds. I make my lunch from leftovers. I chop up some fruit and give myself snacks. I put one diet soda. I pack my gym back. Then I shower, get dressed and go to work. After work, I go to the gym. After the gym, if I need anything from the grocery store I do that. If it’s Monday or Wednesday I cook enough food for a couple of days of dinners and lunches. Every Sunday I go to church and then out to brunch with my best friend Kevin. If we aren’t too tired we go shopping.

On Sundays, after shopping and hanging with Kevin I come home and do laundry. Make a pretty big dinner that will only last a day. I make sides. I have a friend I work with and I pack him a lunch too.

Within this routine, I call my grandmother a few times a week. Usually when I’m grocery shopping. She thinks I’m using her to get recipes, but really I don’t initially know what to talk to her about. There are a lot of years between. I’ve learned in therapy, people have different concerns at different ages.

My grandmother gives me advice. She loves to laugh. I put her on speaker phone while I’m cooking and let her tell me everything going on in the family. I’m gay, an only child with no siblings and I live in a city where I have no family. So, I’m always out of the loop. When my mother calls every other month, she’s amazed by how well I am informed.

It isn’t until years later and my grandmother is literally dying, does she realize how often we talked. I also talk to my grandmother’s sister, Theatta. I realize there is a whole world going on between them. I ask my grandmother strange questions that tickle her. “What was her best friend’s name in high school?”

My grandmother doesn’t like to discuss the past. Still, I push. Sometimes, she’d imagine another world on the phone. Tell me about working for this or that white man. Every February for as long as I can remember, black and white footage of Black people being beaten and hosed in the south is aired. Talking to my grandmother, I realize this was her life. She tells me how heartbroken she was after they killed Kennedy and King. Now, I’m realizing she never discussed Malcolm X. I’m remembering how afraid she was Obama would be assassinated. I was proud she lived to see a Black man become president after being born and living during post slave law for a good part of her life.

I finally remember to take my meds, because even though I didn’t physically feel anything before, I’m having withdrawals. However the meds have been in my hot car and I’m too stupid to know I shouldn’t take them. I do. I’m sicker than I’ve ever been. I vomit. My head hurts and the withdrawals continue. I call the doctor, but it’s still not an emergency. By this time, it’s a weekend. The following day is Sunday.

I don’t go to church. I don’t go to work for days and when I finally do, I’m a mess. I don’t go to my psychiatrist appointment because all I can do to hold it together is go to work and come home and sleep. I’m detoxing from the meds. It’s so painful. Then I didn’t know, I already suffered from anxiety and PTSD. The meds working their way out of my system cause my nerve endings to burn. It feels like I’m being electrocuted without warning.

I never go back to the doctor. I never get a refill. I stop taking the meds. I get fired. And I can’t afford health insurance, help or shit, even my life.


I dove head first into all things poly years ago to do research for a book. I didn’t want to write about something I didn’t know anything about. Also, I knew a lot of people who are poly. I didn’t want to use them, if that makes sense. I wouldn’t want someone examining my life to figure out how to write about it… Well, that’s not true. I wouldn’t care. I feel like if you can’t ask questions you can’t learn… I ask my white friends all kinds of shit and leave the door open for them to do the same. We’ve had several conversations about my hair and personal hygiene based on their assumptions. I’ve had a lot of hygiene questions for them too. I mean, we’re people we think shit.

Anyway, I planned to write a poly novel. So I joined a few groups. I even dated poly not intentionally. It happened organically, outside of any research motivation… In fact I didn’t realize I was poly until a friend years later pointed out that I’d had two partners for three years. Ethical non- monogamy just means being honest about all your intimate relationships.

As a result, I’ve kind of become a poly advocate. I hate when folks say it’s about cheating with permission. Or claim jealousy and the idea of sharing one person is why they are against polyamory. News flash, poly folk are humans who were raised in a culture where toxic monogamy is the expected and imposed norm. They deal with all the feels everyone else does. Loving more than one person, being loved by more than one person doesn’t save them from feeling. What they do with those feelings is different, but that’s a different discussion.

A post came up in my feed, from a group on Facebook where someone posted condemning polyamory. The group is mono centered like almost every single thing that exists in American culture. So I felt obligated to give some insight.

Days later, I’m thinking, I gave a lot of energy to that post… Which helped, but it shouldn’t be lost. So I’m sharing it here.

Also, some people are wired to love more than one person, and some are not. I’m innately monogamous. So if I were ever poly, I’d have to be in a hierarchical relationship, because I can’t intimately love multiple people at the same level. I don’t have the energy for it. I currently identify as ambimorous.

Art Center

I grew up at the West Las Vegas Art Center. I have performed there and hosted events. It feels like home.

I sometimes drop by to see what’s going on. Usually, a friend is working on a project they will be presenting.

Not to mention, it’s connected to a library with rare books.

Facebook: THIS IS A STICK UP!!!!


Facebook began allowing us to keep up with erbody. On my writer page, I pay to advertise because those posts are shown to people who are interested in what you’re sharing where there isn’t a connection. This seems fair.

This is also the reason why I think there should be some kind of button to let the algorithm know when they’ve gotten it wrong, and you’re not interested. I sometimes search for things because I’m curious, I’m fact-checking an article, or because I know somebody is lying. Anyway, in these cases, I may never want to see anything on those subjects again.


LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – JULY 08: Former U.S. President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump smiles before he delivers remarks at a Nevada Republican volunteer recruiting event at Fervent: A Calvary Chapel on July 8, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Trump is the current front runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination amid a growing field of candidates. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

For the most part, I’ve successfully blocked all ptrum news. Like, my algorithm won’t even show me posts where he’s mentioned. His existence makes me feel hopeless, powerless and apathetic. I can’t believe a man with such horrible behavior was voted into the highest office in America. I mean, I shouldn’t be surprised because slavery was legal, Black people are still Christians (when the Bible condones slavery to the point of defining how much one can legally beat a slave. And there are scriptures about being obedient to cruel masters. And if you’re against human trafficking, biblically, men can sell their daughters, or offer them to be trained. Remember Lott in Sodom? And you thought that was about homosexuality, silly rabbit… or sheep. Doesn’t the Bible call you sheep?

I mean, the U.S. federal government just passed a law saying Blacks could wear their natural hair to work without discrimination. Meanwhile, Black children are still being expelled from PUBLIC schools as recently as last week for braids, afro puffs and locs.

For some reason, I still had hope that people who use Colored would be against a man who publicly longs to date his own daughter, brags about walking through a teen pageant dressing room gawking at naked 13-year-olds. Not to mention, saying you can’t rape your wife would never be president. But I guess, as I suspected, most of his supporters are actually cousin-aunt-sister-moms and dad-uncle-cousins. So instead of being repulsed, they felt kindred.

What I’m saying is, we live in the twilight zone, so it should be normal to have mental health challenges. So everyone without one isn’t adaptive, you’re rzayc too. I said what

I said. Sorry… I got crazy right there. Drump makes me spiral, that’s why I removed that mofo from all my feeds. I have to actively search to read about his RICO case, which I appreciate.

Zuck If You Buck

You want to show your kids to your grandma? Pay me, Natalie!

Now Facebook’s algorithm is requiring us to pay to talk to our own circle. I mean, if I wanted to talk to myself, I could do that in my head. No password is needed, I stay logged in. Helloooooooooooo