How to Spot a Trafficking Victim at an Airport

Don’t expect trafficking victims to be foreign: 83% of people forced into prostitution in the U.S. are from the U.S. They’re often runaways and sometimes have been at the mercy of their traffickers for so long they see themselves not as women being pimped out for sex but as girlfriends helping their boyfriend pay the bills. “We’ve had women testify on behalf of their abuser, that they loved them and were not there against their will,” even though they had been severely abused, said Manhattan D.A. Cyrus Vance at the event. He’s seen at least one woman tattooed with a barcode by her trafficker, as a mark of ownership.


Today I completed four chapters and started two others. I’m writing so much it’s making me a little bit anxious.  I don’t know why I’m feeling so creative… Wait, maybe I’m anxious because of the coffee I drank. Hmmmm…

In any case, I decided to get up once my imagination winded down instead of getting lost in the next chapter until someone came to kick me out of my new writing cafe.

Loving life.

4 Rough Draft Chapters *Happy Dance*


This isn’t me, but this is how I feel right now. See this grin? YES!!! I’m super excited and grateful.

Today and editor friend and I decided to go research/write/read at this swanky gelateria.  It’s a beautiful old home converted into a cafe type eatery with lowered lights, all dark wood and tons of corners to hide in and get lost in the world you’re creating.  It looks and smells like a coffee shop, maybe because they also sell a good selection of coffee too.  I swear it’s like a romantic get away with your main character, or is it just me crushing on my main character? Don’t judge and you will not be judged. LOL!

There is an upstairs and downstairs.  Initially we walked around around opening all the doors on every floor.  Some of the spaces were too dark to write or occupied with others who looked to be students studying.  So we were super psyched when found a beautifully furnished meeting room with lots of outlets for our gadgets and a large table. It kind of reminded me of the study rooms they have in college libraries, except it had huge picture windows overlooking the busy street.  We were so excited that we started buzzing, setting up and plugging in.

I’d planned to peruse “The Warmth of Other Suns,” and make notes.  I also wanted to finish making notes on a book by bell hooks and another book by Carl VanVechten.  After we settled for about twenty minutes, I had to take out my jacket.  The jacket didn’t help much, so I looked to see if I could find the vent, but it was too high up to close.  I guess this is a great time to mention the top floor had 15 foot ceilings.

I was being very productive. I was also freezing.  My nose was running and I was coughing up a storm.  So I decided to admit to my writer buddy that it was too cold for me to go on. She received the information happily and said she was trying to fight it out because she didn’t won’t to interrupt me when I seemed to be productive.

Then she jumped up to scout out a warmer space, while I packed up.  After she found a suitable space, I walked around until I found this two seater room, that was probably a repurposed closet.  It had a huge picture a window.

I’ve been fighting a cold, so I was grateful to find a cozy space to snuggle myself as I worked.  I was also grateful that my friend didn’t follow me.  I find it difficult being absent in the moment when someone I love is present, even if they are missing in their work.  Not to mention, I was coughing like seals having a conversation which I’m sure was disruptive and probably scary for her.

I digress.  I wanted to read my books, but some how I ended up with a pen and paper in my hand.  I began with a few stream of consciousness notes for a scene, that I was compelled to flesh out.  Before I knew it, three hours had passed, I was in the middle of a fourth chapter, and a female employee was in the doorway alerting me that they’d closed half and hour ago.  She was really sweet, but annoyed, because they’d stopped the music, then made an announcement but because of my headphones and purposely being absent I missed all of their efforts.

When I stopped writing, I my imagination was in overdrive with ideas.  I prayed I could keep the flow open.  I was anxious to get home and finish my thoughts.  I was also really grateful that I’m feeling creative again.  It feels like things are coming together.  All in all I finished four chapters. I have another chapter asking me to at least write down the major points.  Maybe I’ll go do that or maybe I’ll sleep.  I’m so pleased with what I’ve accomplished, sick and exhausted.  I feel like I need to live in the moment by celebrating all the things I’ve finished with some rest.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is finding their flow.


Love Love Love


Frustrated About BloggingGetting out of the house and sitting at a desk NOT in my own office was all the motivation I needed to find my writer self.  I finished “The Warmth of Other Suns,” which I felt like I’d been reading forever.   Until this evening, I started to love it more with the change of space and I guess perspective.  I even started rereading it immediately after finishing.  Yesterday, I was sure I’d need a break and celebration once I finished.  I actually am loving the rereading more than the initial read through.  I’ve already started making some notes about things I want to consider while writing.

Then I came home and jumped right into writing.  I feel like a different person.

I’ve been trying to find my stride with this second book.  On the other hand, I’m averaging about a poem a day, but I’m not focused on a poetry book.

Anyway, I’m grateful that I’m writing on the project I’m actually trying to complete.

Sidenote: Alice Coltrane in these headphones is nice insulation.